System of System

SoS Firefighting System

There is often a lot of confusion in identifying exactly what we do. It is not uncommon to be considered by potential customers, institutions and industry as a potential “replacement” of the current Canadair CL415 amphibious firefighting aircraft. Nothing could be more wrong! Since 2011 we have been developing for firefighters and civil protection personnel, an integrated system that does not exist on the market; therefore, it does not replace what exists today.

Our staff has developed more than 200 combined aeronautical projects and has acquired specific skills in the sector, having already developed complex projects in the field of aviation and the development of integrated systems (some specific in the field of aircraft firefighting).

The choice is not between one aircraft or another, but between different ways of conceiving aircraft firefighting, which therefore requires the development of a dedicated aircraft. We have developed this video to better clarify the ambitious objectives pursued for over 12 years. Enjoy!

EU and Word Bank report
EU and World Bank publish 3 new reports on smart investments in disaster resilience in Europe
There is often a lot of confusion in identifying exactly what we do. It is not uncommon to be considered by potential customers, institutions and industry as a potential “replacement” of the current Canadair CL415 amphibious firefighting aircraft. Nothing could be more wrong! Since 2011 we have been developing for firefighters and civil protection personnel, an integrated system that does not exist on the market; therefore, it does not replace what exists today.
System of System
System of System
There is often a lot of confusion in identifying exactly what we do. It is not uncommon to be considered by potential customers, institutions and industry as a potential “replacement” of the current Canadair CL415 amphibious firefighting aircraft. Nothing could be more wrong! Since 2011 we have been developing for firefighters and civil protection personnel, an integrated system that does not exist on the market; therefore, it does not replace what exists today.
CO2 impact of project 19-01
CO2 impact of project 19-01
Not everyone knows the devastating effect of forest fires. Much is being done to reduce the effects of CO2 with massive investments. But what are we doing to reduce the impact of wildfires which get worse every year?