Finalization of Aircraft specification package


By August 2021, despite all the difficulties arising from the incumbent pandemic the 19-01 team have now finalized the main specifications for the future development of the new aircraft - named the WF-X Waterfall. An impressive achievement that was then shared with all the EU member states through The Emergency Response Coordination Center. This is an important milestone as momentum and visibility are rapidly increasing around this problem that is being faced now by most countries in the world.


We are proud to present a video presentation of the future headquarters of 19-01. A special thanks to our team of architects, engineers, and communication: Moretti SpA Modular Contractor, Studio Area, Arch. Stefano Franzoni, and Emiliano Leone.
We are proud to present a video presentation of the future headquarters of 19-01. A special thanks to our team of architects, engineers, and communication: Moretti SpA Modular Contractor, Studio Area, Arch. Stefano Franzoni, and Emiliano Leone.
Experts worry about Canadian water bomber expertise amid rising demand and aging fleets.Aviation experts say Canada is losing its expertise in making water bombers, even as demand increases